I've always run in the week resting on a Friday then race on the Saturday and a long run on the Sunday. I've followed a very typical style of program. Yes I've mixed things up and the mountains have called me most weekends and public holidays.
So after a couple of public holidays fell on a Friday I ended up with a 3 week running streak and then it was January...
2012 I decided to make a running year and see if I could run every day! The summer was easy as getting up at 5 to fit in a couple of runs when needed (like every Friday) was no challenge as the morning sun was out... roll on the Cape winter and those 5 am runs in the dark cold and hail ment rolling out of a warm wife filled bed to brave the elements. She thought I was mad... (ok I am! She's not often wrong)
2012, 2013, and now 2014 Sept and still going... last Thursday was day 1000! Now while I think this is amazing in the big picture it isn't. ..
Englishmen Ron Hill started his streak in Dec 1964 and will reach 50 years at the end of this year! Not that I could log a 1 mile 'run' he once did with the aid of a crutch taking 27 minutes!!!
Enough of that I need to pack as I'm flying to Croatia this afternoon!
Congratulations. One thousand days is pretty impressive. And acknowledging that your wife itss nearly always right is hugely impressive.