Today saw the start of the
ABSA Cape Epic, a little mountain bike race we has here in the Western Cape... OK they call it the 'Tour de France' of Mountain biking. 1200 rides in teams of 2 cycling 707km over 8 day and here is the biggy 14 550m of climbing!!!
I ran from home to watch the Prologue:

It was a great day for cycling and forest was full of spectators waiting to see a couple of crashes... I was got to see a front wheel blow out and a guy go down (4.5km into the race). Then I also saw a couple of guys a bit tired to 'jump' onto the pavement...

If I had the camera out then I would have had a great shot of 'grass eating'...
Since I still had to run 9km home I couldn't stay to watch the pro's fly round the course, and boy did they fly.
That looks like it would be fun!