So where does one start with a weekend so full of action?
How about Friday afternoon: Yes I walk the dogs and yes we went shopping, so does that make it a big weekend, NO, all the fun started on Saturday...
How does it go? Early rising exercising... Yes my wife and I were up early for the CV 15km race. The best thing about this race is the start, it is 2km from were we live, so we ran through to the start as a warm up.
15km = 3 x 5km so the plan was easy, don't kill yourself just aim at 3 x 19min, 57min nice and easy pace on a quick course. But as we all know plans never turn out as we want... With the 1km being a little slow I set about closing the gap on a couple of my athletes who were also looking for about 57min. No sooner had I caught them, then they picked up the pace and left me again. I let them go and settle into running with a couple of other friends. Then at about 4km a little girl caught us... Yes it was the same lady as last week, so I decided to follow her again! No we are not racing my legs are a little tired from last week... those were her words to me as I "flirted" with her... (hope my wife isn't reading this!) (ps she had ran a 5000m track race in 15:52 on Thursday evening)
By 10km we had caught all my athletes and Oloff, who was still with me said 37min, PR (as a 40+ Vet) by 5 sec...
By 11km we had caught the leading ladies and like last week I just ran past them and she came with... I wasn't going to be beaten in the last km so as we reached a hill I used hill climbing and dropped the ladies. With them behind me I looked ahead and saw a trail runner ahead so I set chase... I only caught him with 1km to go. It turned into a good thing I had set chase as I had moved up into 3rd place (40+). Then to boot my time was 55:30 was a lot quicker than I had hoped for.
My Saturday hadn't end there:

The garden awaited and I took control with one of my favorite toys, The Hedge Trimmer... (a good arm work out)
Sunday morning was Argus time and my 15th tour, the 12th with Dawn, my wife. Now cycling isn't our thing, but once a year we dust off the tandem and join 35 000 other cyclists for 110km around the Peninsula.
This is the start...

OK you need to see what I looked like:

Now the Pro's were flying around the route in near perfect conditions:

Yes we finished and and had a great time on the road. We don't aim at racing, just finishing and 5h11:49 wasn't as fast as we had thought we might do, but if I had, had my way we would have stopped a couple more times...

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